Script Requests - Itarian team will write the scripts for you :) for FREE

Hi @carls,

Currently, we don’t have an existing script for this request. We have asked our script developers to analyze and provide feedback.

Kind Regards,

Hi @carls

If you (and others) might find it useful, here is a script that will silently uninstall Google Chrome. It should be able to remove all versions of Chrome (I.E versions installed via enterprise MSI or via user/web setup)

It technically has the ability to uninstall pretty much any basic MSI application, as well as Appx packages, but this version is specifically targeted at Chrome. I can provide a version that can perform more advanced functions if requested (Such as ability to specify custom uninstall arguments, config files, apply pre/post install actions, create software inventory reports…etc)

Installation for iTarian Procedures

  • Download the ITSM procedure:
  • Within your ITSM portal, import the procedure under Configuration Templates - Procedures
  • Configure desired procedure name, alert settings..etc
  • Configure the default parameters for the procedure from the Parameters tab of the script. See Configuration Parameters below for explanations of each parameter
  • Click Save - Ready to Review - Approve to finish. Assign to a profile and optionally a schedule of your liking
  • (Recommended) Run the new procedure on a single test machine to ensure its working or configured as expected
iTarian Configuration
  • This script can be configured by editing the parameter options within the iTarian RMM procedure
Configuration Parameters This script is configured using iTarian RMM's configuration parameters. Default settings will remove Google Chrome if found on the target machine

Note: 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled


  • Default: Chrome
  • Name of the application to remove. Script will also attempt to match partial names. For example, to remove Google chrome, you can just use "Chrome"
  • Script will only uninstall one application per run, and only if the application was found
  • Default: 0
  • Enable to perform a test run. A test run will not perform any action but will log what the script would have executed
  • Default: 1
  • Enable output of script actions, errors and other messages to a log file
  • Default: c:\logs
  • Directory where the log file should be created, if enabled
I've used this myself with success for mass removal of chrome for a few clients (of about 50 devices or less). If you have any issues or requests, I'd be happy to help!


20211002-EZT-AppRemover.json (69.4 KB)

Hi @eztech

Thanks a lot for this useful script! You’re truly an “MSP Hero” ???

Have a great day!

– Javier Llorente

Very happy to hear! Feel free to share any improvements or changes you may need

With the MS notification that older versions of Outlook 2013/16 will stop connecting to MS 365 services from November 1, 2021, please provide a procedure/script that will alert via email if an EP has an Outlook version the same or older than the ones below:

  • Office 2013: 15.0.4970.9999 and older
  • Office 2016: 16.0.4599.9999 and older
  • Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (formerly Office 365 ProPlus): 1705 and older
  • Microsoft 365 Apps for business (formerly Office 365 Business): 1705 and older
Many thanks.

Hi @amcssit,

Thanks for your request. We have asked our script developers to analyze and update you the findings.

Kind Regards,

Hi @Ian_Clarke,

Please try this JSON file prepared by our script developers and provide feedback

Kind Regards,

CCS-last-Full-scan-result.json (2.22 KB)

Hi @keith.ketcher,

Please run this script prepared by our script developers to suffice your needs and provide your feedback

Kind Regards,

@team, I’m looking for a script that can do the following… 1. 2. 1. Check OS - if Server or Workstation 2. If Server- (Check if Server is a Domain Controller OR HyperV , if true - End of Script), ELSE- Check if user - serverlocaluser exists, if yes, reset its password to xxxxxxxx, add user to localadmingroup and set password to never expire. to Step 2e IF Not- a) Create user - serverlocaluser, b) With password xxxxxxxx, c) set the password to never expire d) Add user to LocalAdminGroup e) Delete User — OLDserverlocaluser if exists (End of Script) 3. If Workstation (Windows 10, 7, etc) Check if user -workstationlocaluser exists, if yes, reset its password to xxxxxxxx, add user to localadmingroup and set password to never expire. (Move to Step 3e) a) Create user - workstationlocaluser b) with password - yyyyy c) Set the password to never expire. d) Add user to LocalAdminGroup e) Delete User — OLDworkstationlocaluser if exists (End of Script) Thanks Rishi.

Hi @pledgetech,

Thanks for your script request. We have asked our script developers to check its feasibility and update you the feedback.

Kind Regards,

Any update @PremJkumar ?

Hi @amcssit,

Our script developer is working on it, will share the script here once ready.
Thanks for understanding.

Kind Regards,

@PremJkumar Any further update? This needs to be prioritised - really need this to be able to plan and give advance warning to customers.

Hi @amcssit,

Sure, we have prioritized this script request and we will share the script once prepared.

Kind Regards,

Hi @amcssit,

Our script developer analyzed your request and updated that finding whether the application is a newer or older version is not feasible.
For a workaround, can we show the current version used in the device?

Kind Regards,

@PremJkumar If it can only detect the version and not do a comparison against older versions, then it will need to be output in a format that summarises many emdpoints at once. With hundreds of endpoints to check, an email per endppoint, for example, would be very time consuming to go through.

The best result would be a report that we can download from the portal, cloud docs or an ftp site as a csv - such as we can do for portal reports and device list exports.


I’ve not found an example, but looking for a way to stop some SQL jobs prior to patching and then restart once patching has completed.


Hi @amcssit,

Please run this script for targeting “All Devices” and Export script procedure execution records as a CSV file

Please let us know if you have any issue running the script.

Kind Regards,

Hi @jtwatsn,

Can you please explain briefly about the SQL Jobs to be stopped, adding screenshots will help us to understand better.

Kind Regards,

@PremJkumar Thanks! Will test and report.