Weekly Report Missing "Malware Detected Activity"

SOCaaP automatically generates weekly reports, however I am noticing that they dont contain any “Malware Detected Activity”, even when I specifically have downloaded files to the endpoint that CCS detects as malicious (for testing purposes). I have at least 2 previous incidents in SOCaaP showing the detections of those files.

Is it normal for the reports to not show this activity?

Here is the definition of the weekly compliance report that I found:

Endpoint compliance report Weekly Details such as total number of enrolled devices, last reporting status, Comodo anti-virus product version status, new malwares detected in past one week and so on.


To me, that sounds like activity should be reported. The incidents in my SOCaaP are labeled as “Malware Activity”, so why am I not seeing that in the weekly compliance report?

Hi @minntech,

We would ask our backend team to create a support ticket and analyze your query.

Kind Regards,