Virus DB versions

​​Hi, how frequently is a new virus database version released ? Once a day or more ?

Also, the screenshot below shows the current endpoints with outdated virus db, probably because a new version (32578) has been just released. If so why does the Antivirus DB State column reports “Updated” ? Thanks

Hi @datalink,

We are releasing new versions approximately every 6 hours. CCS checks for new database every 1 hour. If you have a problem or more question I can direct your request to our support team.They can provide more details.


Thank you, yes if possibile I’d like to know:

  • why the “Antivirus DB Version” column in the outdated endpoints list reports “updated” instead of “non updated”
  • and what “cancelled” term means in that column.


This column shows the status of AV DB updating process. It can have values as below:
Unknown - status never reported to the portal - for new devices
Updated - the last AV DB updating process was finished successfully
Updating - AV DB updating process is in progress
Command sent - AV DB update pushed from the portal, awaiting status from the device
Canceled - AV DB updating process is canceled by end user
Failed - AV DB updating process failed
Empty DB - Status indicates that AV DB was never updated on the PC

“Antivirus DB Version” column shows exact DB version (or Unknown)