Hello @dougaust ,
A way to enroll the device without using the email would be to use a previously downloaded offline package.
Hello @dougaust ,
A way to enroll the device without using the email would be to use a previously downloaded offline package.
For ease of use and a better client experience I hope that the previous concerns and considerations are implemented in future releases.
Another issue which may have been covered already is the tying of a device to a specific email, say a workstation at an office, it belongs to the company and may be repurposed to another user, or shared between users, or there can be multiple servers but no email or user to tie each to. I think it would be good if workstation/server were not be tied to a user at all or at least be transferrable between users and have an “unassigned” state. Even tablets are sometimes a shared pool.
On the silent installs, I think that what doesn’t trouble or require end user input/compliance is best. Webroot had maybe the greatest silent install experience I can recall, silent, and very quick, their AV also provided the option to deploy other packages silently or in the background from any provided URL and all controllable from the centralized console which was invaluable. If a company wanted anti-virus I could install the AV onsite or send the user a link and one-two-three clicks and the user was up, then if they had an issue I could deploy an RMM agent or other tools remotely and take it from there. The console branded each agent per client and included all configuration details in the installer package eliminating any need for manual input/configuration and reducing the risks of human error. Ease of use/deployment + feature rich + small footprint = winning.
Hello @MTekhna ,
The structure that we will implement in CDM is as follows: Companies > Users > Devices. This structure is natural to everyday business, as users have devices and companies have users. You can add any number of devices to an user, so all the devices that really don’t have an user could be enrolled under an administrator of that company. Also, if you click on a device in Devices list you can see who is using that device by looking at who is currently logged in to that device (or the last user that has logged in to that device).
The implementation of the feature that you have requested (ability to change users after enrollment) is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on June 30th 2016.
CDM agent can be silently installed by using the package downloaded from Bulk Installation Package and use a silent installation method at some choice. Also, once the agent is installed, you can silently install other packages as well.
Thanks Dylan,
I will have a bit of a look at this, I hadn’t noticed that screen before