No reply from success email address or from forum admin

Joe @ iTarian got back to me and made a decent offer to get me to stay. It’s still not the FreeForever promised, but was reasonable and fair enough to retain me.

I hope everyone else gets an equal fair deal to stay!

Why isn’t there just a firm price? Why the negotiations? This whole thing is a nightmare.

HI @Velvis - i do not want to it seem like a nightmare for you. There is firm pricing as it was provided in the announcement. We have made some arrangements to existing MSP’s on our platform to lock in future business. I would be more than happy to have a conversation with you. Would you like to have a phone call with me to discuss?

No need for negotiations, we have a proper sensible priced layout for all Comodo products.

Email us on

I too have sent several emails to success and to our rep. This was many weeks ago. Still waiting…

I am sorry for any delays you may have experienced.

Please reach out to me directly

I’ll PM you

Where are the prices located? and who is strobe-it?

Hi @Velvis

Please contact us on to gain details including prices.


I have contacted Comodo several times, as the charged on an auto renew $1350 for 50 licenses!!! I tried to get a refund, but have been ignored, and now the deadline is in a few days. I am buying my licenses from @StrobeTech , but need to know where my $1350 is. I even tried to just apply the licenses, and chalk it up to a lost cause, especially since the way we have all been treated by comodo this last part of the year, but it says the license has already been applied, but I did not get a refund, nor do I have the 50 licenses on my account!!!

That sounds like a 3-5yr full payment. Though, I thought iTarian increased the number of free licenses to 50?

Try contacting he was the only one able to assist me, and seemed to be fair.

That sounds like a 3-5yr full payment. Though, I thought iTarian increased the number of free licenses to 50?

Try contacting he was the only one able to assist me, and seemed to be fair.


I’m glad to say that working with @BOSS and @ItarianJoe we have resolve the issue and we are providing moving forward

Wow its not only me that they are ignoring then. It seems like i never get to speak to the same person twice anymore if at all.
with 14 days left of free and i still have unresolved issues and do not understand the pricing i have been given.
Do comodo not want my business as i am only a small msp with about 25 endpoints?

I have sent so many emails and had so many remote sessions. The last one the technician finally used my machine as the host to find that my profiles are messed up and nothing is working properly. That was on the 5th of november. They were meant to setup a follow up to fix the issue but still waiting. Same day i sent support 3 emails as advised by the technician. not heard a thing.

Another msp i work with and subcontract for has 250 endpoints. he seems to be getting help and has advised me the price i have been given is only for accessing the platform and not for anti virus as well. It seems like anyone i have talked to so far has no idea themselves of the costings.

14 days left and i need someone to fix the issues i have, agree the price, contact all my customers and agree the cost with them and setup payments (as they are getting the anti virus also free until i know the price) along with my daily work.

Please comodo contact me!

@craigplant Sorry you had to deal with multiple people. I will DM you directly and we will get to the bottom of what is happening.

Thanks Joseph i have emailed you back now and look forward to speaking with you soon

@craigplant Hi craig i did not receive an email please confirm you sent it to

Hi @craigplant I have messaged you direct as well.

I have not seen the money reimbursed to the card yet.

I am checking with AP now.