Current list=C:\Program Files (x86)\Cobian Backup 11\DB\MainList.lst Language=ENGLISH Close other UI instances=true Warn before closing this UI instance=true Protect UI=false Reset password cache=true UI Password=dwB6AH4AYgB7AHkAYQB5AHYAcAAvAHUACQADAA4AcwBiAHUAZAAdABUAcgBlAHIAaQAEAAYAAABxAB0AcAAJAHsAdwBlACwAEgABAHgACwB7ABgAZQBtAGYAbAANACkAZQAoAA== Log level=2 One log per day=false Show the log in real time=true Display individual files in log=true Delete log files older than=0 Mail log file=true When to mail=1 Mail time=0100000011100101000101110111101010101010101010101010101010101011 Mail as attachments=true Mail only if there are errors=false Delete if mailed=true Limit ftp speed=false FTP speed=0 FTP retry=true FTP ASCII extensions= Use Nagle=true TCP Connection timeout=20000 TCP Read time out=60000 TCP Listen timeout=10000 Sender name=Cobian Backup 11 Gravity Sender SMTP SMTP Port=25 SMTP Subject=Cobian Backup 11 (%COMPUTERNAME) SMTP SMTP Logon=true SMTP user name=domain\test SMTP password=cgB/AGcAZwB2AHMAYwBjAHMAdgAtAG4ACQAAAAIAcQBhAHQAfQBZABEAMQBnACcAegBAAAUABwBpAB0AcwAJAHUABQBiAHMACwByAHMAcgByAHEAfAAEAGAACAASAD8AaQAMAB0AJgAIAA4AKAAOAGwAdgAaACEACwARACQABAA= Mail proxy="Proxy type=0","Proxy host=","Proxy password=YgB9AHAAdAB7AGEAYABkAGYAdQA9AG0ACgADABIAcwB2AHUAdgAdAAQAcgBzAHIAeAAEAA0AAABsAB0AbQAJAHEAdwBkACwAFgABAGsAEQB5ABAAeABgAHwAdwARAC4AaQAtAA==","Proxy user name=","Proxy port=1080","Proxy login=false","Proxy use IPv6=false" Mail SSL="Use SSL=0","SSL Method=3","SSL Authentication=4","SSL Data protect=0","SSL Mode=3","SSL Verify depth=0","SSL Path through=false","SSL Use CCC=false","SSL Verify peer=false","SSL Verify fail=false","SSL Verify client once=false","SSL Certificate file=","SSL Cipher list=","SSL DH parameter list=","SSL Key file=","SSL Root file=","SSL Verify dir=" Mail unicode headers=true Mail unicode body=true Mail pipeline=false Mail use ehlo=true Mail HELO name= Mail body=%DEFAULTBODY Do not add duplicated tasks to the queue=true Check for updates=true Run missed backups=false Download and install=false New version is an error=true Interval for checking for missed backups=180 Update proxy="Proxy type=0","Proxy host=","Proxy password=fwB5AGQAdwBjAHUAcQBzAHEAfgAxAGAABgADABQAcwByAHUAewAdAAMAcgBiAHIAYAAEABMAAABpAB0AbQAJAGEAdwBqACwACQABAHQAFgBlABkAegB9AHsAbQAMAC8AbgAvAA==","Proxy user name=","Proxy port=1080","Proxy login=false","Proxy use IPv6=false" Check post-events when missed=true Calculate exactly=true Prevent sleep=true Include junctions=true Execute events externally=true IPC timeout=180000 VSC timeout=300000 Use system temporary directory=true Temporary directory=C:\Users\Alfie\AppData\Local\Temp\ Abort if VSC fails=false Check CRC uncompressed=false Copy file attributes=true Copy timestamp=true Copy permissions=false Use unsafe copy=false Unsafe extensions=.ost,.pst,.oab First backup full=true Datetime format=yyyy-mm-dd hh;nn;ss Datetime format on log=yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn Datetime format for log file name=yyyy-mm-dd Do not allow spaces for datetime=false Use special extensions for encrypted files=true Force plain encryption with 7z=false Check destination with archive attributes=true Always use task name=false Check CRC for compression and encryption=true Uncompressed extensions=.mp3,.mpeg,.zip,.rar,.arj,.jpg,.jpeg,.7z,.sqx Zip level=7 Advanced zip naming=false Use OEM file names=true Use zip unicode legacy=false Use Zip64=1 Use weak encryption=false 7zip compression type=0 7zip level=2 7zip creates solid archives=false 7zip include drive letter=false 7zip encrypt file names=false Safe mirror=true Safe mirror folder=C:\Users\Alfie\AppData\Local\Safe Mirror Save empty backups=false First backup parked=true Do not run on batteries=false Use remote manager=false Remote name=NOCLT4 Manager host= Manager port=16020 Manager password=cABlAGYAfQBgAHEAegB1AHYAegArAGoADgADAAsAcwBjAHUAZgAdAA4AcgB8AHIAaAAEAAIAAAB+AB0AcwAJAHAAdwB9ACwACQABAH8AAQB9AAUAfQBjAGQAbAAGADMAZQAsAA== Upload using lower case=false Low thread priority=false Backup everything on start=false