Hot fix for Service Desk (2021-05-21)

Hello everyone,

We want to inform you that we will have a hotfix over Service Desk on 21st of May at 01:30 EST. (05:30 GMT)

Here are the items that are included in the hotfix.

Service Desk

Bug Fixes

  • Advanced Search does not work when search by keyword is used.
  • Expiring SLA widget on main Dashboard shows wrong counters.
  • Unable to create Customer via mobile application.
  • Ticket filter not working if the option "Stop processing further on match" is enabled.
  • Notifications are not sent to Customer Account Manager.
  • Scheduled Agents reports are not being sent to recipients.
  • API call returns HTML response '400 Bad Request' instead of JSON response.
  • Staff members with "System Default" Department do not receive alerts for tickets created in this department.
  • Announcements are not being sent to staff members.
  • Drop-down menu doesn't get opened for adding new tickets if the ticket number contains less than 3 digits in "Projects" section.
You can feel free to share your feedback and comments through this post.

We will share any updates regarding the hotfix release through here.

Product Management

@ilgazy , so pleased to see after years this is now being addressed “Advanced Search does not work when search by keyword is used.”

Is the issue of SD constantly logging out being resolved?

Hello @nct ,

Yes, it is resolved along with some other bug fixes which are going to be released next Monday (06/14/2021). Please checkout related post.

Best regards,