Notes Section in Comodo ONE Device Summary

It would be great to have a Notes field in the device summary section of each device. We often need to add tags/notes to devices in a Custom Device Name and it would be much better to actually have a notes field. Can note things like parts that were replaced, services done, issues seen, etc.

@ejacobsen Strongly agree. This was an FR back in 2016, as below, but just a simple notes or comments box would be invaluable and one would have thought it would be easy to implement.

@dougaust posted:

06-20-2016, 12:00 AM
Not sure if the job log does it but it would be useful if in the device list there was a notes section or perhaps a diary of changes to a specific computer, if this exists in the help desk perhaps it would be useful that if a job could be logged against a specific asset if there was a list of assigned jobs available in ITSM view and have a text box notes section as well