3rd Party Apps

I would love to be able to see 3rd party app logs. I have some procedures set to run once a month, through a profile. I would love to be able to see the logs on these as well. I am sorry if this was already addressed, seems like it was, but I can not find it. Thank in advanced.

I have decided that this issue should be put to the back burner, I really need the OS patch management to work, hopefully flawlessly, but I at least need it to work… I am getting too many open issues, so I have decided to trim down and focus on one at a time. I can’t keep up with all the issues I have going on at once. If someone else wants to work with the support team on this feel free, and feel free to use this thread if you like. As for me, I am going to focus on the OS patch management, and revisit this at a later date, especially since most 3rd party apps have an updater built in. I like to ensure that OS patches are installed, as keeping your OS up to date is one of the best ways to keep zero day vulnerability intrusions at a minimum.


Since the process has already started, we will still continue working on this concern. We’ll take note of your request though and update your ticket.

We appreciate your feedback.


You can use procedures to install 3rd Party application patches and track the execution through procedure logs as usual. (also, here is the help guide: https://help.comodo.com/topic-399-1-786-10996-View-Procedure-Results.html )

Please contact the support if you need more help about results. We should also review this on our support session later.

Best regards,