Ability for only whitelisted domains to create accounts

Public account creation in the service desk portal is to lenient and poses a security threat, however manually requiring us to send a link to each customer that requires portal access is too time consuming. Is is possible to have both security & usability by allowing only users with whitelisted domains to create service desk accounts in the public portal?

If not, is there another way to do something similar without compromising on either security or usability?

Hi @campbell ,

As of now this feature is not yet available. We can forward a request to our developers to possibly have this feature included and we will let you know once this feature becomes available.

I sent you an email to help you keep track of your request.

Thank you Jordan - if you could keep me in the loop on this feature request that would be appreciated.

What would you recommend to use at the moment as an alternative? Is there any option for customers to create the accounts themselves without opening the portal up completely to potential phishers?