Add Email Address Error

I am getting a 504 Gateway Time-Out when trying to add an email address. I complete the entire form, click submit, and the page just sites until the time-out error.

I have tried to logout and back in without luck.

Hi Rob,

it would be great if you could add a screen shot or give exact menu address with instructions that you are trying.

We are going to investigate it.

Best regards,

Thank you,

This is escalated. I will keep you informed.

Hi Rob,

It looks like the configuration you entered might be wrong. Could you please check that out?

"Any invalid configuration value entered under the external email fetching or sending section will cause a timeout and a 504 page. The valid values depend on the email service provider and could be obtained from them. "

Best regards,

Yes, I entered the smtp port when it was asking for either the imap or pop port. Should have paid more attention to what I was doing. Thanks for your help.