Add to Comodo Remote Control the ability to switch between Remote Desktop Session

Please add to Comodo Remote Control (CRC) the ability to connect and switch to Remote Desktop Session on the remote machine.


Right now CRC can only control the Local Console Session of a remote machine.
It will be usefull to add the capability to switch between multiple RDS session on the remote machine, like LogMeIn can do.

Hi @sersis ,

We appreciate the recommendation. We will have the team look into this as a feature request.

We will also send you an email for any update or if we need more information to help you with this.


this is major feature for our daily work.

We would be very thankful to see this feature soon.

Hello @TWille ,

Thank you for you for sharing that information, we added you on the loop on this feature request.
Support team will get in touch with you shortly.
