Alerts in RMM

Once an alert is generated, due to a particular monitoring policy violation, the ComodeOne RMM Module also lists alerts and the offending workstation (which is great btw). Once the workstation’s issue has been addressed, how long will it take before that alert is cleared? Is there a manual way to clear alerts so when Im looking at the alerts section, I am only seeing current alerts? I’ve also closed the related service desk ticket and continue to see this workstation as violating the policy.


Hello @joe.lcit ,

Thank you for the feedback. We have contacted you by email regarding clarifications on the issues you mentioned on here. Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you John, I do see the email. I think once you are able to get rid of the console and move all of that functionality to RMM or ITSM, that should remove the need for alert tabs in the console. Any idea on the roadmap to remove the need for the console?

As for the second item, I suppose i could stop the policy for that device to clear the alert until we have a way to clear the alerts automatically?

Hello @joe.lcit ,

The RMM functionalities are being gradually migrated to ITSM during the releases in Q2 and Q3 of this year.

For the second question, yes, that should work, stopping the policy to clear the alert.