Antivirus Application Exclusion - Google File Stream

Hi Everyone,

Since my company uses File Stream, there’s a sync that is pretty much constant in the background and especially after booting time. There’s a high CPU consummation and for other reason I want to exclude it from Comodo…

I checked the manual but did not found any specific about the path I use : “%ProgramFiles%\Google\Drive File Stream*\GoogleDriveFS.exe”. I want to know if the “" between the parent and the enfant folder is accurate and valid. Here’s why, every new version creates new a folder so I went for the "”. Is that valid?

Thank you in advance.


Hi @Infinite_New1,

Can you please try using the path “C:\ProgramFiles\Google\Drive File Stream*” unders Exclusions

For more information, please check this help guide…xclusions.html

Kind Regards,

Hi @PremJkumar,

I just want to exclude “GoogleDriveFS.exe”, this application. But as you can see, one of the folder in the path will change each time there’s a new version of the product. So I want to know if it’s valid, especially the “*”. I don’t want to exclude the entire folder, just one app (.exe).

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Infinite_New1,

So I want to know if it’s valid, especially the “*”.

Yes, you can use it.

For more information, refer here.

Kind Regards,