APK for client install

Is there an APK available for android install? We are using non GSM devices and Google Play is not installed.

@msprinsky ,

We will gladly request this to our Product Team. We’ll provide you an update as soon as possible.

Thank you. It will definitely help the many android devices out there that are not actually cell phones.

Any update on this?

One of my colleagues has already sent the information to you @msprinsky. But just in case, we will send another email to you directed to the email you used to register in the forums.

We are testing the Android rollout too, can we have also some information to install the APK outside the playstore?

@Whatsek ,

Certainly. Support team will contact you via support email for further correspondence.

Hello @Whatsek ,

I am Ayhan, the product manager of Endpoint Manager. You can also check the below guide for .apk installation. Let us know if you think we need to enhance something here.

Looking forward to hear from you!


Thank you, email received, will test now! Thank you!