Apple APN Certificate renewal issue


when trying to renew our apple APN Certificate it keeps failing when uploading our The Apple PLIST Signed by Comodo
It seems we keep getting the originally signed download which has already expired so the message we get from the website is Certificate Signature Verification failed

Certificate Signature Verification failed because the signing certificate is expired.


We apologize to hear that you’re having issues renewing your APN Certificate. Please check this help guide in renewing your APN certificate.…rtificate.html
Please give us an update whether this suffices your query. Thanks

Hi @Jimmy

I know the process of doing the renewal the problem is Apple is not accepting the PLIST file downloaded from Comodo when trying to do the renewal and saying that

Certificate Signature Verification failed because the signing certificate is expired.

Hello @Marveltec ,

Sorry for the inconvenience it created.
I will escalate your case to the proper department for investigation and we will get in touch with you shortly via email.

Thank you.

Hi @Jay

Any feedback on this

Our apologies for the lack of update/feedback about your issue with renewing your Apple APN Certificate. We have yet to get an update for such a scenario.