I tried to have several procedures run as onboarding and placed these in order in a generic profile, but was always a bit hit and miss if they would actually all work as intended.
It seemed logical to have each little procedure/script separate and just pick and choose the ones needed for customers systems and let the profile take care of everything but it never worked out very well for me, needing to manually rerun afterwards was a waste of time.
They skipped or did not wait for the prior one to complete, like installing chocolatey, it needs a explorer/shell restart before you can issue commands to install software.
So I went back and just created one procedure, used the + add existing procedures to build up with the several separate PowerShell setups I wanted, mostly put together from bits and pieces found online and in prior usages, just modified to do a general SOE type run up, once happy then cloned that “master procedure” and added customer specific needs and then added that procedure as a first run on customer profile setup.
It was not too bad to setup and easy to change as required for most on-boarding I required.
Most if not all the PowerShell’s are still available for me in my procedures should I need to manually run or schedule as needed.
For example, the most recent procedure I have done is over 500 lines with about 9 lots of scripts that run one at a time until done.
It could be trimmed down and condensed, but this way it is easy to test and make customer adjustments.
(I could not get the download & install script to work, but could get download to folder, then next to cmd install on the file and it runs fine)
Setup System, add local admin user, set power, add it folder, set num lock on, set network to private and so forth.
Install chocolatley
Restart explorer/shell - so can use choco install
Install Software via chocolatley, chrome/adobe/zoom/veeam and what ever else needed per site
Download Synology Backup Agent - Custom msi with server ip and credentials from sharepoint site
Install the custom msi
Setup wifi connection with ssid/password and autoconnect
Check Updates
Restart System
Generic procedure may just have the first 4 run, some don’t need wifi or any special msi setups.
This is mostly for standalone workstations, no group policy, not domain joined and depending on customer what 365 plan they are on, not intune managed and so forth.
I’m more than happy to share what I have if anyone want to take a look, as mentioned in another post a community script page or wiki would be real handy for us to be able post and share.
Not sure if a forum page would be of any use as I believe it needs a structure like our current script page, a add in section ?? may/would need a mod to keep it in order and ensure members only can upload/download perhaps as well? - Mind you we should be able to pull from the script page direct into the portal not download and import.