Automated sending of Procedure Logs via script

A way for an MSP to use a script to collect specific procedure logs and send it via email address(es)

H @gmac

By default procedure logs of device available in Comodo client program files folder.

For example , in 64 bit windows system, procedure logs location are as below,

C:\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\Comodo ITSM\rmmlogs\Rmm_dll.log

C:\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\Comodo ITSM\rmmlogs\Rmm_dll.log.1

C:\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\Comodo ITSM\rmmlogs\Rmm_dll.log.2

Most recent logs for that device are located in rmm_dll.log and so on…

Please consider my points below,

  1. script that can attach these log files and email to specified addresses is doable
  2. script that can read these log files and email required content to specified email addresses is also possible.(without attachment)

Please provide your suggestion.

Hi @mkannan ,

I check the path that you have indicated but I am not able to find any procedure log. What I was referring to was procedure logs from ITSM / Config Templates / Procedure. Please see attached SS for reference. It would be awesome if we can have both option or atleast the number 2 suggestion. Thank you.

Hi @gmac

I will update you once the procedure is completed.


Hi @gmac

Please use below procedure to email procedure logs to specified email addresses,
