Billable time from tickets not showing in cost report

Anyone able to help with this, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

I’ve created a test organisation and added a user. Then created a contract for that organisation and created a support ticket.

I’ve added in time to the ticket and set it to billable, then approved the time sheet for the user, but when I go to look at the cost reports it doesn’t show any cost for that organisation

Was the ticket opened with the organization name tied to it? If not, the time costs will not display properly.

Yes I believe it was.

Interestingly, I’ve looked on the android mobile app and the time cost is showing correctly.

Hi @danderton
Have you tried viewing the page using a different browser? Optimizing your current browser (clear cache, etc.) can also help with proper access to the C1 portal.

Hi @Rick_C

I’ve tried Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge - no joy with any of them. I’ve also tried clearing the cache.

Hi @danderton,

We would like to investigate the issue further. We will send an email and will request private information regarding the matter.

Thank you.

Also, I found out when I was working on billing, that if the category under Ticket Details isn’t set to something, than the ticket doesn’t show up under cost.

Hello @danderton,

Our development team informed us that all report flows and cost calculations have been changed in the upcoming version (v4.10.0) and the release date will be on March-3-2018. Thank you

@danderton ,

We’re glad to hear that your previously reported issue had been resolved.