Bitlocker scan and report

Good day,

We have been trying to write a script to scan the bitlocker status of systems and to then write the results to a DB. However, it seems Comodo One is using a deprecated Python 2.7 and our script should run on 3.6+. Is there a way to upgrade the Python version used by our Comodo installation?

Hi @Marina,

We are extremely sorry to say that its not possible to upgrade python from 2.7 to 3.6+.

Kind Regards,

Thank you for the response PremJK.

Can we then submit our script and request that your team alters it to function properly on 2.7?

Hi @Marina,

Sure, please submit your script to us. We will ask our script developers to try alter the script compatible.

Kind Regards,

Hi @PremJK ,

Please see attached for script.

Thank you!

Bitlocker Check.txt (780 Bytes)

Hi @Marina,

Thanks for providing the script. We have shared the script to our script developers to review and provide update.

Kind Regards,

Hi @Marina,

Our script developers are requesting test db file for testing purpose. Can you please provide us the same.

Kind Regards,

Hi @PremJK ,
Please see attached. If this is not what you require, please let me know.

DBandTABLE.txt (960 Bytes)

Hi @Marina,

Thanks, we have asked our script developers to check and provide update.

Kind Regards,

Hi @Marina,

We are extremely sorry to inform that our script developers tried their best but to work it needs a new package which is currently not possible.

Kind Regards,