Block TLDs


I’ve been using KoruMail for a while and it seems to work great!

One question though, is there any way we can block Top Level Domains entirely? The only spam that ever seems to get through is from domains such as .date or .loan so would be good if I can just block all of these.

Hope you can help.


Hello @mict,

At the moment we do not have the answer on hand hence we have requested additional information on your query to provide a better information on this matter.

Thank you for your patience.


Just wondering if there is any further update on this?


Hello @mict,

We have a Blacklist option under the profile management in order to achieve this. You can add any domains, IPs or emails to this list and also you can import a list of any of these types. You can use this option only with exact matches about domains. There is no any option to add domains with including or ends with a specific text. Otherwise, you can add emails by using ends with, starts with or contains a specific text for example you can add specific domains as you mentioned via adding emails with an ends with option to this blacklist as in the attachment screenshot.

If you need, you can visit the below page to add any domains to blacklist according to above conditions that I mentioned.…file_blacklist

We hope it would be helpful for you.
