Bug List

First of all great work to all the developers! I’ve been keeping a running of issues that I’ve found as I’m testing the system. I’m including a list of issues as well as a link with edit rights to a google sheet. Some of these may be lack of training on my part but I think there are a couple of valid issues. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions!

Product Severity
		<td>Problem Description</td>
		<td>Steps to Reproduce</td>
		<td>Reported By</td>
		<td> 			 			3 - Semi-Urgent
		<td>RMM, Patch and Service DBs don’t sync for customers</td>
		<td> </td>
		<td>If you use the same deployment code again it will give an error saying license isn’t valid</td>
		<td>1) Add Device
		2) Enter in Device information
		3) Select Enrollment Code
		4) goto joincomodo.com
		5) Enter enrollment code
		6) install on PC 1
		7) Goto second Pc and repeat steps 4-6</td>
		<td>Service Desk</td>
		<td> 			 			3 - Semi-Urgent
		<td>Not obvious how to enter tickets via email. Is there a “portal” for end users?</td>
		<td>Patch Management</td>
		<td> 			 			5 - Critical
		<td>Sticks on loading module. Screen empty with spinning concentric circles</td>
		<td>Launch patch management module</td>
		<td> 			 			4 - Urgent
		<td>after reinstalling RMM Agent after reproducing #3, agent doesn't show up in RMM</td>
		<td>1) go through all steps for bug 3
		2) uninstall RMM Agent
		3) on PC 2, repear steps 1-5 on Bug #3
		4) Agent doesn't appear in RMM Console</td>
		<td> 			 			2 - Not Urgent
		<td>Related to bug #6, it is not obvious to tell what RMM account the agent is associated with</td>
		<td> </td>
		<td> 			 			3 - Semi-Urgent
		<td>Have not tested this but what happens if enrollment code is typed in incorrectly? There doesn't appear to be a way to fix this if it is associated with another RMM account</td>
		<td> </td>
		<td> 			 			2 - Not Urgent
		<td>joincomodo.com redirect to manage.comodo.com/invite.html is spotty. going directly to the actual URL always works</td>
		<td>1) goto joincomodo.com</td>


Hi Easterntech50,

This is good contribution, thanks. I may suggest to put some ID’s on columns to be able to reference the items later. right now, I will reference one by one.

  1. It is designed like that right now and will be improved and synced on future releases.
  2. It is designed like that. We will also introduce a bulk deployment agent.
  3. End users would be able to enter tickets via your portal (Please check the attachment to check your configuration but it should be something like following: https://YOURSUBDOMAIN.servicedesk.comodo.com/index.php). I will check the email settings and let you know as well.
  4. Please send us the screen shot, time of the problem, and your account name to check the problem. you can send this to c1-support@comodo.com
  5. Please send us the screen shot, time of the problem, and your account name to check the problem. you can send this to c1-support@comodo.com
  6. Good point. We should show company / account relation on endpoint. This is taken as improvement point.
  7. Yes, not all codes will enroll you but if you are enrolled, you need to uninstall and then install again.
  8. joincomodo.com is an alias to that URL, easy to spell and communicate :slight_smile: but you can use which ever you want.

Best regards,

Thanks Ilker, I will put IDs on them. For 4, attached is a screenshot. I am having the issue now at 9:04pm EST. My account is josh@planfortechnology.com It has been sitting on this screen for about 4 minutes.

I’ll have to get back to you on #5.


I can second easterntech50 issues for 2 and 4. Item 5 I was not able to reproduce as I uninstalled the agent, downloaded a new installer and it is now showing up in the console.

An issue that I’m having is someone has to be logged into the device in order for the device to show as online. Currently my devices are showing as Unavailable. I have to spawn a request from the workstation in order for connect to it.

Also is it possible to CTRL + ALT + DEL ? I have not been able to figure that out.

Just and FYI the spinning orb appears to only be with Chrome, I was able to load it with firefox.

I"m getting this behavior on IE Chrome and Firefox. Which browser is your default?

Really appreciate all this feedback guys, the more the better…can’t emphasize how important it is for the overall MSP community that we all provide these valuable feedback, you are doing a whole load of good for the community, thank you.

I am using Chrome as default and doesn’t see this behavior, we will check.

We are going to improve the availability by running a service for it.

For CTRL + ALT + DEL, we have CTRL + ALT as a sticky soft button on remote connection tool for now. Once these are pushed you can just send a DEL command from your keyboard to unlock. We will implement the full set as well :slight_smile: