Bundling Tickets

Hi Guys,

I am exploring the product for the first time and I was wondering if there was a method for duplicate tickets within the service desk to be bundled together, or like tickets to be bundled together?


Glen Scaglione

Hello @mygroup ,

Thank you for your interest in Comodo ONE.
If you are pertaining to merge or link two different tickets but on the same subject, the feature is currently shows in the roadmap and expected to be delivered by the end of 2018Q2.
If you want, we can send you an email and add you on the list of interested customers so you will notify for any update it might have.


Hi Jay,

Thanks for the reply. Out of curiosity, is the roadmap for the next year publicly available to view?


Glen Scaglione

Hi Damon C,

I am not looking for any particular feature (except to bundle and to split ticket requests) but was looking for something that show what new features will be coming out in the future.

Thanks so much for your feedback.

Glen Scaglione

Why not sign up for the updates? In this case you won’t depend on the time for new feature development.

Hi Glen,

We are regularly sharing our new release notes. You can check “Release Announcements” sub-forum for upcoming features. Also we are giving future release dates to customers for each one of their requests.

If you have any specific feature or question you can ask me directly.

Kind regards,