C1 Dashboard - Quick Add: New Customer - Custom Autoprovision Cloud Storage Location


Currently when I use the quick add feature from dashboard to add a “New Customer”, that customer is added to Acronis Cloud Backup under my “default” or “primary” company name.

The new customer has contact info, this is great!
The new customer has default cloud storage location set like “baas-fes-us2.acronis.com”, this is not always what I want.

It would be helpful for ways to customize the values for each property that is provisioned when quick creating “New Customer”:

  • Custom Acronis Group
  • Custom (cloud) Storage location/host
  • Identifier
  • Quotas
  • Other properties that might be useful on a “per customer” basis.

So for now, I can not use quick create new customer, since in Acronis Management Console the new customer:

  • Might need to be put in new or different group than default “company” group.
  • Might need to use different default storage location, other than “baas-fes-us2.acronis.com

Some solutions might be:

  • When creating New Customer, give extra window, tab, or option boxes for these values
  • After creating New Customer, have a button to “edit properties” and then have an “Acronis” tab. Then on save, it updates Acronis Management Console.
  • Option to change default Acronis properties in Settings > New Customers (or some other view), so any new customers would have these custom default values.

Any of these solutions can be achieved via the various Acronis APIs.

Please let me know if further explanation, examples are needed.
I could even contribute proof of concept code if it would be helpful.
Anything that might make this feature available would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @RoninMedia,

Thank you for making these suggestions. We will have the support team look into adding this feature request.

We will send an email through your registered email and keep you updated through there.

Thank you,

Great, thanks for the follow-up, I appreciate it.