C1 & ITarian - IT Operation Platform December Release(2018-12-1)

We would like to inform you that we are going to have new releases over Comodo ONE and ITarian on Saturday (2018-12-1) morning! The release is expected to take 4 hours to deploy, during which time Comodo One and ITarian will be in maintenance mode.
Important Notice! - The release for the new version of Comodo Client Security for Windows will be made on December 5th.

Endpoint Manager

Endpoint Manager Core


  • Support for the latest operating systems
    We continue to develop Endpoint Manager as the platform which lets you manage EVERY device on your network or your customer’s network. In addition to the existing list, you can now enroll devices which run the Android 9, iOS 12, Ubuntu 18.
  • Audit Logs
    We improved the log interface to show both old and new values in logs which record profile changes.

    We improved the logs to store changes and updates under File Group Variables. Here is the wiki of this improvement.

  • Export scope
    You can now export all information in the ‘Device Summary’ section of a device. Here is the wiki of this improvement.
  • Enrollment Instructions iOS and macOS enrollment instructions are now listed separately.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue of Sneak Peek is not working for Android.
  • Fixed the issue of wrong phone numbers inside Support Page.
  • Fixed the issue of changing file rating from Security Dashboard.
  • Fixed the issue of constant loss of bluetooth connection for Android devices.
  • Fixed the issue of full wipe is not working for Android.
  • Fixed the issue of applying language preferences to CCS via ITSM Profiles
Patch Management


  • Patch Management audit logs are now available as a separate category. You can also filter patching events by event name. Here is the wiki of this improvement.
  • Patch scan intervals have been improved. Initial scans are started 10 minutes after agent initialization. Regular scans are run every 8 hours.
  • The ‘Critical’ patch status now represents both critical updates and security updates whose severity is critical.
Remote Control

Bug Fixes

  • Remote Control for Mac had an installation error on MacOS Siera 10.13. This is fixed with December release.
  • None of the endpoints in customer's account were showing online or available in ITSM and CRC. This is fixed with December release.
Comodo Client Security


Important Notice! - The release for the new version of Comodo Client Security for Windows will be made on December 5th.


  • The root cause of the major issue which caused some particular customers' systems freezing is identified and the related fix is included in this hotfix release. The main problem was a system level technical issue in the driver architecture of Comodo Client Security. Since our first aim is to deliver a stable and reliable build, our teams intensively focused on this exceptional issue. Hence, the new features which were designed to be released in December are postponed to the next release in order to provide a better experience.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed freezing and slowness issues caused by internal drivers.
  • Some performance issues caused by CCS internal methods are fixed.


  • Support for the latest operating systems
    We continue to develop Comodo Client Security for Mac to let you manage and secure every possible device on your or your customer’s network. In addition to the existing list, you can now enroll devices which run on MacOS 10.14

Bug Fixes

  • Some compatibility issues with VMWare environments are fixed


  • Support for the latest operating systems
    We continue to develop Comodo Client Security for Linux to let you manage and secure every possible device on your or your customer’s network. In addition to the existing list, you can now enroll devices which run on Ubuntu 18.04


New Features

  • Password and account policies added to the C1 ‘Settings’ area. Admins can now set:
    • Lockout time – Length of time user is prevented from logging in after 5 invalid login attempts. Options range from 30 – 150 minutes (30 mins default).
    • Session timeout – Maximum length of time a user can remain logged into C1 before they need to login again.
    • Password expiry period – Maximum length of time a user can keep the same password before they need to change it.
Here is the wiki of this improvement. Bug Fixes
  • Typographical Error on Unverified Emails in C1 Portal has been fixed.
Mobile Applications


  • iOS 12 support
  • Android 8 support
  • Android 9 support
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to use new line character is fixed.
Service Desk

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue whereby user registration process was not working properly for sending activation emails.
  • Fixed issue whereby first reply time did not show relevant information
  • Fixed issue whereby in calendar events, ticket number was not displayed properly.
  • Fixed issue whereby sorting according to status and category was not working properly.
  • Fixed issue whereby contract could be saved without start and end date.
APPENDIX-1 New Client Versions:
  • Endpoint Manager - Server version 6.24.20220.18120
  • Windows Communication Client 6.24.20210.18120
  • Windows Client - Security
  • Windows Remote Control 6.24.20211.18120
  • macOS Communication Client 6.24.20226.18120
  • macOS Client - Security
  • macOS Remote Control 6.24.20141.18120
  • iOS Mobile Agent 1.2.24
  • Android Mobile Agent
  • Linux Communication Client 6.24.20174.18120
  • Linux Client - Security

Final - Release Candidate - Release Notes December 2018.pdf (129 KB)

Hi there!

What has happened with the Windows Client - Security version Looks like the currently available version is still…

Thanks in advance!

Hello @DevoteamEndpointSecu ,

Comodo Client Security update has to be postponed and the hotfix release will be made on December 5th.
For more information please visit this thread.
