Cannot completely delete device

I noticed ITSM allows for duplicate enrollment i.e tow devices with the same name. Now i try to delete a device and it doesn’t delete completely. instead it shows what’s at the bottom. Any ideas what could be causing this? This is also adding to license count.

Hi @chales We apologize about this underlying issue that you encountered, I will create a ticket for you via email so that we can investigate further, and we’ll reach you as soon as possible.

I have three of these in my portal. What caught me up, was the default checks to remove everything, CCC and CCS, I didn’t uncheck any of those, and now they are forever stuck. I deleted others later, and manually unchecked the additional removal stuff, and they deleted correctly.

Hi @BOSS Thank you so much for the input, feel free to post here if ever you encounter the problem again so we can work together solving it.

I still have the same issue even after unchecking the options…what’s the way out here please?

Hello @chales

We are sorry to hear that you are still experiencing th issue.
We also want to investigate the problem behind this issue and we will contact you through email as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Hi any update on this yet? The “device removed” thing is adding to device count.

Hi @chales

After you click ‘Delete device’ and uncheck the options ‘Uninstall CCS and CCC’, the machine will prompt a reboot. Please wait for the reboot to complete and check again.

Some of mine had hardware failure, and will not be rebooting?? What do I do about those??


That is a very good question. We’ll have this scenario included with . Our developers will formulate a fix for this as well and update you as soon as possible. We have also created a ticket for you and we have sent it to our developers.

Thank you Jimmy and boss! The scenario here is that on most machines, the agent was uninstalled. So when re installed, the endpoint shows as duplicate on the portal. So on trying to delete the one that shows as offline which is the actual unwanted duplicate, then I get the issue as reported above.

Hello @chales

Thank you for adding this information.
I will relay this to our development team and we will update your support ticket created by my colleague.

Sorry for any inconvenience happening on your side.
Thank you for your patience on this matter.

Ive had the same issue. Hardware which has been removed and cannot connect to the net again.

Hello @Joners ,

We apologize for the inconvenience.
This is a known issue for some accounts.Thank you for reporting.
Can you also share some screenshots of devices which were renamed to “Device Removed” ?
We are currently in the process of fixing this problem
and I will add you on the loop regarding its update.

Thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter.

Jay, funny enough, i deleted some devices yesterday and they wiped off completely without showing the “Device Removed” thing…that was after unchecking those two options. But the old ones are still sticking around and are refusing to leave my portal.

Hello @chales ,

Yes. I think the issue is not for all devices that were registered before on your portal.
We are still investigating the root cause of the problem and as per checking, the support ticket that I created
for your case is already part of the ongoing fix from our back end.

Rest assured that we will update you for any progress on the said issue.

Thank you for your patience.

Hello @Joners ,

Sorry for the inconvenience.
I already updated our back-end team about the said issue.
On the other hand, I just want to know if the numbers affected by “device removed” issue
on your end was lessen since the day you reported the issue?

Kind Regards,

@Jay its stayed the same, there are only two devices like this in my portal. Just an annoyance more than anything.

Hello @Joners ,

This is noted. The support ticket is already updated and rest assured that
we will inform you once the issue is fixed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter

Kind Regards,