Cannot enter time for ticket assigned to me

There is no time recorder in the SD ticket itself at this time.

No way to add time (link that is also there) either.

Please advise.

Hello @azon2111

You will need to claim the ticket as a Technician and then under the Time spent section you have a “Staff” section in which you can add the technician that worked on the ticket and for what period of time.

Hi @azon2111

Yes, ‘Add work time’ option currently not working. I have reported this issue to our developers . We will get back to you when it is fixed.

Hi @azon2111

Please Enable settings Admin panel>settings>Tickets>Ticket settings(Global settings .

You would be able to record and add work time after this settings.

LOL, shouldn’t that be on by default?

Hello @azon2111

It was previously, yes. We will forward a Feature Request for it to be on by default as well.