cant login to IT&SM console

We are a new partner and just signed up today.

I have registered for IT&SM , Dome Shield and I believe also service desk.

When I am in the console I can add staff and manage roles but when I click the menu at the top and try to access IT&SM console nothing is available to click and the arrows just rotate.

I cannot add any users or download bulk deployment package, this is a bad way to start… please help I am using Windows 10 with Chrome, same thing on Firefox though.

We have “Partner Success Team” whose job it is to get all the technical resources you need, on the phone for your asap and make sure you can use the system, add devices etc…its free…they are always ready…use them to help you get setup and get up and running…

Hello @dsheetz,

We are sorry to know that you are having this issue on the portal. I created a support ticket for you to investigate on the mentioned problem and to further assist you setting up the product. Thank you and looking forward for your response on the support ticket.