CCS client settings missing from configuration profiles


I’ve noticed for a while that many of the settings available on the endpoint for CCS (in this case windows) are not available to configure in the configuration profiles in ITSM. For example:

These client side settings do no appear to be available in Antivirus configuration profile settings

I specifically want to manage the “Enable realtime scanning of files on network”. I’m finding that disabling it is fixing a lot of performance issues. Unless I’m missing it, I can’t disable it globally.

Any help is appreciated.


As of this posting, it is not natively available yet, @eztech. We can assure you though that this is already in the works to have such option be available in the EM Profile.

For now, the current workaround is the method described in this wiki guide for exporting and importing the Security Configuration. This requires though that you have set up the ‘rules’ locally first before you export the security configuration.

Seems like an oversight, but all options should be customisable from the portal… Good spot @eztech

Hi @Rick_C , please create a ticket and let me know when available through the ITSM console.

@nct ,

We’ll make sure to inform you Alex. I have created a request ticket for you on behalf of @Rick_C

Thanks @Rick_C. I hope this feature comes soon. I was banging my head against a wall trying to figure out what about CCS was causing a clients LOB app to crash so much and I never considered looking at the local client settings as I had (wrongly) assumed all settings were available to be managed. When I found and disabled that network scan setting, it fixed everything. I really need to stop assuming…

Hello @eztech ,

This feature is on our roadmap sorry for late answer. I will announce after this request is released.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,