Certificate details for enrolled iOS devices display my ITSM login email

I recently started testing iOS device enrolment. The process of creating the APN certificate was straightforward. The form asked for organization name, common name etc. as well as an Apple ID. When I examined the resulting certificate details under Portal Set-Up, they are correct. But… on the enrolled device, my private email displayed in a couple of places. The address I provided along with common name etc was not used.

This can be seen on an enrolled iPhone, in Settings > General > Profiles & Device Management > Comodo ITSM > More Details. My ITSM address shows under Mobile Device Management > Certificate. It also shows under Device Identity Certificate as the common name, which completely ignores what I filled in when I created the APN under ITSM Portal Set-Up.

This may be a small detail to some, but I consider it a serious issue. I don’t want my private email address displayed on enrolled devices, no matter how deeply it’s buried in the profile information screens. I have specific email aliases I provide to clients, managed devices etc. for this purpose.

Anyone else notice this? How can I specify the info that gets displayed in the profile?

@Kees ,

We appreciate for bringing this to our attention. We will make sure to report this to our Development team and provide you an official statement in regards to your report. A support ticket had been created and will be in touch via support email for further correspondence.

Thanks for the update. It has since occurred to me that the info displayed in the profile details might correspond to the device “owner” specified at the time the enrollment link was generated. I’ll do some tests with an alternate owner, and post the result.

@Kees ,

We certainly appreciate your input. You can also reply at the support ticket we’ve sent via email to your forum registered email so you can reach us by all means.

I did some additional tests, and can now confirm that the email address that shows in the profile info of an enrolled iOS device is the address of the device’s “owner”. This makes sense, and I no longer consider this an issue.



We thank you for giving us a response. Should you have any other queries or issues that need to be addressed, please send us an email @ c1-support@comodo.com so we can attend to your concern immediately. We will be closing the support ticket we created in the meantime