Certificate errors

I utilized Dome at a location, and have noticed that everytime they open the internet, they keep getting certificate errors, saying that the certificate says block.dome.shield or something. I am wondering if I deployed the tool wrong?? I do not want to shut off the certificate checks, and figure that this would be a common issue, that could be easily addressed.

I do not have this option on mine, I am using the Dome Shield.

Great, thanks.

Any update on this?? I have endusers starting to complain about the pop up all the time. I tried to install the certificate, but it still kicks it up, and I don’t want to run around to every system installing the dome certificate.


We sent you an email dated May 19 requesting for additional information and screenshots on the issue. We sent it to your email. We will be resending the email.

Please reply with the requested information for verification to better assist you on the issue.

Thank you.

