Cisco Umbrella $38 per user per year....OpenDNS usage...Need your input please

I know OpenDNS (now part of Cisco) was a big hit with MSPs.

Here is the question:

If you are using OpenDNS/Cisco Umbrella, are you reselling and making money from it?
Or are you including it within your cost (eg: its a cost to you rather than you make money from it)?

Thank you!

Yes, we did. However on some clients their FW filtering is already doing something similar. However this is a profitable service for smaller customers that have decent FW’s.

So what you are saying is some MSPs make money selling cisco Umbrella?

what if you could give similar (better) service for free? Would that be preferable as an MSP? If so why?

Personally, I think this will be a great feature to have with C1. For one, it’s integrated with the rest. Personally, I’m not a fan of FW based filtering. So, yes! I would like to see this as free feature. It would be a great product differentiator for C1!

Consider it done! :slight_smile: