Close all instances for Application: Delete Local Folder: Copy Network to Local

I frequently have to replace a folder on local computers. The folder has files used by a specific application.
The application can have multiple instances. When the instance of the application is closed it will always display a “are you sure” dialog.

All users will have domain access to the network folder already.

This is a windows domain, all windows workstations.

The script needs to force close all instances.
Remove local folder
then Copy the Network folder to the local machine.

The application name is "jw9c.exe
Network folder \w2kserver\it\vippanels
Local Folder c:\vippanels

Thank you

@ccollier ,

We’ll progress on your script request and give you an update once our Script Developers have completed your request.

Hi @ccollier,

Please refer this attached script to stop all instances of an application and delete the local folder and copy a folder from network to local folder.

json file :

Thank You,


20180522-close-all-instance-of-applications -and-delete a local-folder-copy-folder-from-network to local.json (3.3 KB)