Comodo client viewer

Reminding you about old requests and something new:

Please, make following functionality for this app:

  1. Multitab APP window - One APP window with set of tabs with remote PCs. With device names.
  2. Multiselect devices in ITSM device list - check few devices in device list and do group takeover - open all of them in tabs in APP window.
  3. Process notes text field. When working with many PCs at one time - need make notes what done and what to do. Can you make autofill for this field with process check list?

What for?

  1. We often need work with few PCs at one time. Soft installing or downloading something - at this time we can work with other remote PCs and we can see download/install status.
  2. When we have few PCs at technician’s table. We plug PCs to network, at technician’s PC we open Client viewer and all these PCs in tabs.

Extremely useful option!!!

Hi @Sergey ,

We have forwarded your feature request to our development team and we will let you know once this feature becomes available.
I sent you an email to help you keep track of your request.

Thank you for your feedback.