Comodo CRM

Are we planning on setting up a board for discussing the Comodo CRM too?

Hello, @ymi

We have forwarded your question to the appropriate department and return with an answer via e-mail.

Ditto this, and would add first thing I see that the CRM has to do is integrate with the Ticket system. Absolute MUST HAVE else we spend all day translating between the systems all the info that should be between them. Heck, I would also add this is an issue across most of the C1 platform, no integration of the data from module to module making repeat entry quite regular.

I know the last point makes it necessary for teams to interact in development but the need to recreate “services and products” in the CRM and call them asset types in the ticket system really complicates things. Feels very disjointed at the very top level of the C1 platform. imho

Hello @azon2111

Thank you for the feedback on this situation. I will forward it as a Feature Request to have it implemented on the C1 platform.
You will be contacted further if we have any questions or to keep you updated on the case.

Agreed as stated in my post earlier.

All interactions with Customers are noted and updated in a CRM and tickets are a vital touchpoint.

We understand that the systems are rapidly being developed which is good, just asking that integration and data availability cannot be an afterthought. Efficiency is being lost without that.

I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.
Our guys are paying attention to it, i will make sure to remind them again :wink:

Here is the board for CRM and I am moving this topic to there as the first post…



I can see there is a “Project tasks” and “Project Milestones” in the CRM Search but I could not find any module where I can setup those Tasks nor Milestones, could you help me find those modules? or send me a link with the documentation please?

Hello @rvargas12 ,

These VTiger modules are not added yet to CRM, but I have escalated your request and we will keep you updated on the progress.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Any update on the progress being made to add Project Milestones and Project Tasks to the CRM i.e. aggregating all the customer centric activities to the CRM? or the integration of SD and CRM? We have not seen any roadmaps on that yet.