Comodo Dome .ova installation issue

Hey gents,

perhaps I am dumb, but.I have downloaded the .ova, added it to VirtualBox and vmware workstation as well. Thought it might be related to the environment where it starts.

So I import the VM. All good. Everything checks out. CPU/RAM/HDD all good. 2 NIC`s are being created.
Now - as per the guides. I should do for initial setup

but - 1st NIC is assigned with
2nd NIC is assigned with

  both are refusing https

what am I doing wrong? is timing out as there is no adapter listening there.

Many thanks,


@undoitdotro ,

Can you please verify that you have selected “'Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards” option while installing the FW and set the one of the interfaces NAT and the other one bridged?
Please review our help guide on this process.

Hey Jimmy, I didn`t changed to NAT, now it makes perfect sense. I will give it a try but it will surely work.

Many thanks


@Jimmy I was wrong. one adapter bridged and one NAT and still not able to connect to, reinitialize the mac addresses done properly. Tested this both in vmware workstation and VIrtualbox.

Hello @undoitdotro,

We created a support ticket regarding on your Dome Firewall Virtual Appliance concern. Please reply at your convenience.