Comodo MDM Incompatable

Client purchased a new phone (Moto G4), which happens to be the same phone I have. When attempting to download the ITSM agent from the Play Store I get a message saying the app is not compatible with her phone. Yet, I have the same phone with the same Android version and it has been on my phone for some time. What would cause this?

Hello @SCS
Currently, the C1 platform supports Android v4.x to v6.x. If the Android version of your client’s Moto G4 falls outside that version range, then the Comodo Client (ITSM agent) from Google Play would definitely be incompatible. Now, for your own Moto G4 that has the ITSM agent installed, did you install it while the Android version was still within that version range (v4, v5, v6)?

Are there plans to add support for Nougat? It’s been out for a while now.

Ok, so both phones are running Android 7, though I installed the ITSM agent on my own phone prior to that. Does this mean that while my phone is listed ITSM is essentially crippled on it? Is there a time-line for supporting Android 7?

We are already working on Android 7 support. Should be on production with August Release (by mid August).


Ok, so both phones are running Android 7, though I installed the ITSM agent on my own phone prior to that. Does this mean that while my phone is listed ITSM is essentially crippled on it?

My apologies for the late reply. The answer to the above question is: No. The ITSM agent will still function as before when your phone was still using a lower Android version.

I appreciate the replies. I do understand that a delay between when a new OS is released and 3rd-party software catches up is to be expected. In this case it appears the delay will be exactly 1-year. Android 7 was officially released in August of last year, and the update to the ITSM agent won’t follow until a year later. I’m not a developer, but that seems a long time to catch up. I only have one client affected by this delay, but I have to wonder how many others have been prevented from supporting clients because of it. Not my intent to throw rocks here, this just seems to be a very long time without an appropriate update to the agent.


I do understand your concern. We have been reactive on this issue rather than being proactive due to the low rate of Android 7 adaption on client base. Android devices tend to not upgrade to latest release opposed to IOS devices and we have an ability to provide workaround for this issue. However, we want to make it official and release the public version on August release as I mentioned. Also, we plan to stay on top of all future releases on more timely manner.
