Comodo ONE August Release - What's New on IT and Security Manager(08/11/2018)?

Hello everyone!

We would like to inform you that we are going to have new releases for the Comodo ONE platform this Saturday (08/11/2018) morning.

Notes about the platform update:
Once it starts, the platform will be on maintenance mode for 4 hours (early hours of the day, US Eastern time). We expect to have no service outage in general. If you observe any brief connectivity issues, please retry later in the day.

New Features

  • Android 8 and Android 8 (KNOX) support. You can now enroll and manage Android 8 devices through ITSM.
  • Simplified installation of Comodo Client Security. Admins can now trigger CCS installation with one-click in the device list.
  • Detect and clean additional items in full and custom scans. Suspicious services, auto-run entries and scheduled tasks have been added to full scans, and can be included in custom scans. This means unrecognized or malicious processes which were started as Windows services will be blocked. You can apply the following actions to such files:
    • Terminate: Shut-down the malicious/unrecognized service for this session.
    • Terminate and Disable: Shut-down and switch-off the service permanently. An admin will need to re-enable the service if so required.
    • Quarantine and Disable: Will terminate and disable as above, and place the file in Comodo Client Security quarantine.
    • Ignore: The detection will be logged but the file will be allowed to run normally. The new scan options can be found in ‘Profiles’ > ‘Antivirus’ > ‘Scans’.
  • External devices now scanned by default. All connected devices are now automatically scanned by CCS for potential threats. This includes external hard-drives, USB sticks, optical drives and more. This option is available in Profiles > Antivirus > Realtime Scan
  • Import Users from.csv file.New users can now be enrolled in bulk from .csv, saving time over manually creating each user.
  • ‘Device summary' addition. 'Local time zone' added to device details, providing admins with the local time on the endpoint.
  • UI improvements. Pagination added to the device tree view in the device list and antivirus pages.
  • File Explorer beta enhancements. Further stability and performance improvements in File Explorer beta.
  • Crash dump collection for the communication client. Added a profile option to create a dump file if the communication agent crashes. This allows admins and the Comodo team to better detect and fix problems
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue of being unable to boot devices when Knox is enabled in Android devices.
  • Fixed the issue of unexpected behavior for blocking applications for Android devices.
  • Fixed the issue of not loading device list in Security Sub-Systems >Containment section

We look forward to your feedback! Please leave any comments and suggestions below.

Best Regards,
Comodo ONE Product Management Team

Good afternoon,

I did the MSP Free registration and I am using the ITSM + license. Valkyrie is already the PATCH Management and Comodo Client - Security 10.7 (Antivirus).

Are all of these products free for 1 year?

I await your reply.

Adriano Alves

@alvesnet ,

For a more comprehensive information about the product, services, and its licensing options, please send us an email @ and we’ll gladly explain the product you have signed up for.

Everything is free forever apart from “Security module”
RMM Free (not limited to 1 year)
Patch Management Free (not limited to 1 year)
Ticketing System Free (not limited to 1 year)
Remote Access Free (not limited to 1 year)
Automated Scripts and us writing them for you Free (not limited to 1 year)
​​​​​​​and much much more…Totally FREE…