Comodo One... Free... Whats the Catch?

Hi all,

MSP here in the UK, Just started using Comodo 1 as a backup system to our already existing Screen Connect service. Thinking of putting a couple of our small clients on C1 for Remote Support. What I want to know is, C1 says its free…is it going run out and I’ll have to start paying for it?

Or is it Free for the duration that I use it? or for one year?

Currently using the RMM.


SC Tech Systems

Its free, period! It will always be free.

We make our monies by building your trust with us, so that as and when you are ready, you will buy our other solutions in the app store we have built in C1.

We are always here to help you with anything and everything.
We have a whole team who can help you write your custom scripts to help you automate.
We have a whole team to help show you how to use the platform and so on …all for FREE!

Welcome aboard and we do have quite few MSPs here from the UK.

Ahh OK, thanks for the info!

@melih we sure do.

C1 is a fantastic product and it’s getting better by the month.

@sctechsystems happy for a call to help you with any questions you have.

@StrobeTech can provide any license should you decide to use the AV product.


@sctechsystems To get Comodo Remote Control as a free product is amazing, especially since they have big plans to incorporate more features into it over time.
As an MSP we have moved all our clients over to C1 and their Comodo Client Security through the ITSM section of the portal. Clients are now far more secure.

Before you start using the anti virus, I suggest you undertake some training, we didn’t and it made us a little frustrated a few years ago since there are so many features and modules within AV. The containment (sandbox) is their big AV selling point, but you need to understand how it operates before use.

We now work with the management and developers to help improve the product.

Also, with Comodo, @melih , the man at the top is very hands on!

As James (@dittoit) says,
if you need any licenses for platform let us know as we can sort these out for you.

We do second the training suggestion from @nct as the product has so many options, and getting the best setup for your clients can be tricky to start with.

Thanks all I will bear it in mind, though for Security we generally use BitDefender and are heavily invested in it.

Hi @sctechsystems

Thanks for letting us know what you currently use. If you did ever fancy looking at an alternative suite for all your needs Comodo’s platform covers everything, and if it is missing anything there are lots on the roadmap to hopefully plug the gap soon.

Things currently covered and under one roof are: -
Mobile Device Management
Firewall (integration to C1 coming on 05/05/2018 release)
Antispam (integration to C1 coming very soon)
Quotation management
DNS Filtering
Web Traffic Scanning / Secure VPN

Would be interesting to know what is missing from our offering and what would stop you migrating.