Comodo ONE - IT Operating Platform March Release (03/03/2018)

We would like to inform you that we are going to have new releases over Comodo ONE on Saturday (03/03/2018) morning. Platform will be on maintenance mode for 4 hours early Saturday. We expect to have no service outage in general. If you observe any brief connectivity issues, please retry later in the day. You can find detailed release notes in the attached document.

IMPORTANT INFO: CCS release will be available on the 7th of March

IT and Security Manager

New Features

  • We have added a new global search bar to the device list, making it a whole lot easier for you to find devices. You can search by device name, OS, company, owner or by any other piece of data in the column headers. You can also search by date using the following formats:
    • yyyy/mm/dd – Search a single date which may be also preceded with >, >=, <, <= operators
    • yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy/mm/dd – Search for a date range. You can find the wiki for this feature here
  • Added a new icon to the device details screen to show the security status of Comodo Client Security. Using a traditional traffic-light system, the colored indicator can give admins a quick heads-up if a client is in trouble and needs attention.
  • Added the ‘tree’ view to the ‘Antivirus’ section. Similar to the tree hierarchy used in the ‘Device List’, you can now easily filter viruses by company and by device group. You can find the wiki for this feature here
  • Added Comodo Communication - Client update settings on the Configuration Templates->Profiles→Updates section. Now you can schedule the time for updating the Communication Client to more specific times like last Friday of each month! You can find the wiki for this feature here
  • Enhanced audit logging with the ability to track updates to procedures. When a procedure is run on an endpoint, you can now see execution details and go directly to device details via a link in the logs. You can find the wiki for this feature here
  • Added the ability to disable the Local Verdict Server (LVS) option on a profile. Doing so means ITSM will disregard admin ratings and will only use Comodo verdicts to determine the trust level of files.
  • Improved color coding in the ‘Schedule’ tab of an antivirus profile to better visualize selected days (Configuration templates > Profiles > Antivirus > Scans > Schedule).
  • Improved the global patch inventory screen with new columns for ‘Classification’ and ‘Products’. The new columns build on the existing layout to provide truly comprehensive, ‘at-a-glance’, data on a patch. They also provide useful, additional ways to filter your patch inventory. You can find the wiki for this feature here
  • After feedback from our customers, we switched the order of the “Not Installed” and “Installed” columns. This minor but significant change improves the usability of the interface by showing missing patches first.
  • Added a custom device list for operating system patches to improve the usability of the patch management system. Users can now browse the custom device list of a patch to see which devices which have it installed and which do not. You can then install the patch on devices which require it, direct from the custom device list. You can find the wiki for this feature here
  • Improved the ‘Logs’ section of the device details screen. We added logs for third party patches and visibility over patch installs triggered manually from the ITSM portal. You can find the wiki for this feature here
  • For remote control sessions we were asking for allowing a range of IP's on firewall for load balancing, now we have limited the number of required allowed IP's to just three. This will decrease your exposed network surface. You can find the new firewall configurations here
  • New and improved design for the remote control menu bar. The toolbar can now be minimized, re-located and more. You can reach wiki of the feature from here
  • Implemented grouping of Comodo Remote Control windows on the Windows taskbar. Previously we were showing separate icons on the taskbar for each CRC view.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue whereby incorrect data was sometimes shown on paid ITSM licenses (Settings > Subscription > License Summary).
  • Solved issues related to the display of patch information in languages other than English. Our new approach means patches are now correctly shown in different languages.
  • Fixed issue where patch procedures would sometimes be aborted if the target endpoint was restarted. Improvements to our restart mechanics ensure that patch procedures will now resume as soon as a device comes back online.
  • Fixed issue where patch procedures would sometimes go very slowly during the installation of larger patches. Improvements to our procedure queuing process have resolved this issue.
  • Fixed issue with specific versions of Chrome that meant download instructions for the remote control app were shown to users, even though the app was already installed.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to start a remote control session even after their role based access permissions had been disabled.
Comodo Client Security (Will be released on 6th of March )

New Features

  • Added Japanese language support. Japanese customers can now view and manage CCS in their native language. This also expands the potential customer base for MSPs by allowing them to more effectively service clients in the Japanese market.
  • Implemented a more streamlined workflow for quarantined files. Our new ‘Restore as Trusted’ feature allows you to reinstate files to their original location and award them a ‘trusted’ rating with single click. This effectively allows our users to locally whitelist files much faster than before. Go ahead and try it here!
  • Windows Defender Security Center integration. You can now access CCS direct from Windows Defender Security Center on an endpoint. This is in addition to the traditional ways of accessing CCS through the tray icon, desktop shortcut or widget. You can reach wiki of the feature from here
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with Windows Defender which sometimes prevented CCS from launching.
  • Fixed various internal issues which caused CCS to reduce the performance of some endpoints.
  • Fixed incompatibility issues which caused false configuration logs to be shown in the CCS logs area.


New Client Versions:

  • Client - Communication 6.16.10680.18030 (RC)
  • Windows Client - Security (RC) (Will be released on the 7th of March)
  • Windows Remote Control 6.16.10391.18030 (RC)
  • macOS Remote Control 6.16.10390.18030 (RC)
  • Android Comodo Mobile agent (RC)

Final - Release Candidate of Comodo ONE - Release Notes March 2018v5.pdf (323 KB)

Service Desk

New Features

  • New ‘charging configurations’. These new templates simplify cost calculations by allowing you to define varying rates for time spent, for work on specific assets and for specific types of support (remote, telephone, on-site). Once created, charging configurations can be applied to tickets and contracts. Click ‘Admin Panel’ > ‘Manage’ > ‘Charging’ to get started! You can reach wiki of the feature from here.
  • Enhancements to the contract system. Firstly, we added the ability to divide prepaid hours between service types. This provides more flexibility for our customers to negotiate granular service contracts with their clients. Secondly, we added the ability to apply charging configurations to contracts. This automates many costing exercises and helps eliminate human error by automatically applying charges based on rates agreed with your customer. You can reach wiki of the feature from here.
  • Service Desk now stores audit logs to help you to track the following actions:
    • Changes to ticket categories (add, edit, delete)
    • Modifications to global ticket settings You can reach the wiki of the feature from here.
  • Email fetch-time has been reduced to 3 minutes or less.
  • Faster ticket creation cycles enable you to create tickets more quickly.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with emails spammed as marked when replies made on a ticket.
  • Fixed an issue of changing role of a staff.
  • Fixed deduction of added worktime from the contracts with updated charging algorithm.
  • Fixed an issue of diagnostics taking too long if there is an error.
  • Fixed an issue on ticket creation about the response of the action taken by improving front end activities of ticket creation process.

C1 Portal

New Features

  • New design, new look and feel. The C1 portal has been given a facelift and now sports a fresh new design that we think you’ll like. The new interface features several design and user-experience improvements that allow you to accomplish tasks and find information faster than ever before. We plan to make further improvements to the UI in upcoming sprints, so watch this space!
  • Removed the old patch management system and related widgets and reports from the portal. On the next sprint you will have reports and widgets from the new patch management system.
  • You can now login to the voting site and jump to the Comodo One Portal without needing to login again.
  • Improvements to our Azure integration:
    • now directs you to the azure portal login page. If you are already logged in to Azure, the C1 Portal will open at the dashboard with your Azure session active.
    • Added SAML integration.
  • Node-Js upgrade has been completed for micro-services structure.
  • Tweaks to the company migration design.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with Dashboard Security status which showed incorrect status.
  • When Comodo ONE portal is opened in a mobile browser, user can now conduct changes.
  • Fixed an issue with Dome Shield Data not being appeared in Dashboard.
  • Fixed an issue with Serbia not being listed in the Country Drop Down.

Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce that the new version (Windows Client - Security (RC) of CCS has been released a couple of hours ago and we completed our tests. You can update your instances.
C1 Product Management Team