Comodo ONE - IT Operating Platform October Release (10/21/2017)

Hi everyone,

We would like to inform you that we are going to have new release over Comodo ONE on Saturday (10/21/2017) morning. Platform will be on maintenance mode for 4 hours early Saturday. We expect to have no service outage in general. If you observe any brief connectivity issues, please retry later in the day.

Here are the release notes:

IT and Security Manager
New Features

  • With the new release macOS X devices are also controllable by Comodo Remote Control. Now you can remote control your macOS X endpoints to troubleshoot anytime anyplace. Just make sure that your macOS X endpoints are updated to latest Comodo Client – Communication agent.
  • Now admins can also limit the staffs access to certain companies on device group level! “Access Scope” section under ITSM->Users->Role Management->Role page is improved with device group to enable& disable access to each company and device groups beneath. With this option admin can dedicate a role to see only limited companies& device groups and not the other ones.
  • Technical improvements for increasing the ITSM overall stability have been implemented.
    • Health level of back-end services, database, queue and cache structures monitored.
    • Long running queries investigated and necessary indexes created in database.
    • Discovery back-end service re-designed so that the business logic of the service transferred to agent side.
    • Auto log collection for service crashes have been implemented to reduce the time spent after any problematic cases.
  • We have identified that patch discovery on the endpoint was blocked in some cases due to unexpected halting of the Windows update service for any reason. We made our patch management module capable of enabling Windows update service by constantly monitoring its process. With this improvement, we will make sure that a patch will be discovered as soon as it is published by Microsoft.
  • We are happy to announce that 75 script procedures and 19 script monitors are added to ITSM Predefined procedures sections. Also it is worth noting that existing procedures are modified to meet the new standard.*
  • We also added a new folder named “Monitors” for custom script procedures that can be used for managing your endpoints. Please see Appendix-2 section at the end of the notes.
  • We have reworked the status icons on the device list views. Now we have 3 statuses to show the real status of the device.
    • Gray: Offline. Device is not reachable
    • Blue: Connected. Device have communication with portal. Commands and messages are sent in a short period of time.
    • Green: Online. Device have real time communication with portal, commands are sent to device in seconds and you can remote control the device.
Bug Fixes
  • “Stay signed in” checkbox on Comodo Remote Control” was not working after device reboots, issue is fixed. Now you can check this box and you will not need to enter your credentials in the next run.
  • Some of the ITSM Android agents were not communicating with ITSM portal, and on some portals the devices were shown as offline even though the devices were reachable. Both issues are fixed.
  • Some visual compatibility issues were detected on Edge browsers, the icons and tables were shown with wrong format, it is fixed.
Comodo Client Security Improvements
  • With the new release, CCS agent keeps protecting your devices while enhancing its maintenance skills. In case of any CCS crash, logs are automatically collected in order to investigate the cause and to make more robust the protection you are under.
  • We have improved the file scanning mechanism with scan priority parameter. When an unknown is executed on the endpoint, Comodo Client - Security will submit the file to Valkyrie with high priority label so that it will be analyzed prior to other files that reside without execution. This will ensure file verdict is completed much sooner, which gives us opportunity to take precautions and to provide a much secure environment for your endpoints.
C1 Portal Improvements
  • We optimized our data centers to manage the change in a more rapid way. Now, Comodo One Portal will be even faster. All functions will work more stable and you will easily use Comodo One Portal in a more reliable manner!
  • We also separated our databases for different actions for decreasing response time on Comodo One Portal!
  • We added monitoring systems in micro service level in Comodo One Portal to track any unexpected situation. This way, we will be having a closer look to our system and catch and solve the problems even quicker before they affect your working environment!
Service Desk New Features:
  • With this release, you will be able to choose between capturing all inbox items as ticket or selectively forwarded e-mails from your support mailboxes to convert into tickets. With new forwarding way, you can easily convert to ticket and take action on filtered e-mails that are sent to your support mailboxes! Now, go ahead and enable “fetching e-mail via forwarding” option from the Admin Panel! After that you just need to copy the e-mail address that we created just for you and be sure that your mailbox is forwarding the incoming mails to that e-mail! By this way, your customer will not be confused and you will be managing their request over tickets with full business automation and visibility!
  • From now on, you will be able to enable or disable any left menu item to any role instantly from Admin Panel. You will manage different roles with enabling them to reach different screens! Try it now, and see the comfort of staff management by yourself!
  • We added technical improvements to track our system and make it more reliable.
    • We added monitoring systems to our integration module services. This way, we will engage with any problem before affecting you!
    • We modified our session management in order to optimize sessions. Now, sessions will work more stable!
    • We upgraded our PHP version to the latest so that we will serve you with the new capabilities and features!
Bug Fixes:
  • We fixed minor errors on Service Desk on for improve the process of handling tickets.
    • The issue of that When “Post Reply” button is clicked more than once, multiple messages is sent to the user is fixed.
    • We fixed the issue of user search for changing ticket owner and collaborator sections in tickets. Now, you could search users easily for these actions!


New Client Versions:

  • Comodo Client - Communication (Windows) 6.12.8436.17100
  • Comodo Client - Communication (macOS) version 6.12.8397.17100
  • Comodo Client - Security (Windows) version
  • Comodo Client - Security (macOS) version
  • Comodo Remote Control (Windows) version 6.12.8335.17100
  • Comodo Remote Control (macOS) version 6.12.8336.17100
New Procedure and Monitoring Scripts (Please check attached release notes for list of all new scripts)

Best Regards,
Comodo ONE Product Management

Comodo ONE - AEP October Release Preview Notes.docx (79.7 KB)

So looks like the update has gone live.

I’m a Little confused on the below. Either the endpoints are online or not.

From the below the endpoints must be green to remote control ? Some of my servers are showing blue surly these should defiantly be green ??

 We have reworked the status icons on the device list views. Now we have 3 statuses to show the real status of the device.
o Gray: Offline. Device is not reachable
o Blue: Connected. Device have communication with portal. Commands and messages are sent in a short period of time.
o Green: Online. Device have real time communication with portal, commands are sent to device in seconds and you can remote control the device.

Hello @dittoit,

We have requested further differentiation between the blue and the green status and we will post it here once we have the notes or information. Thank you

Hi @dittoit

We expect all Windows and Mac devices to be shown as green under normal circumstances. It is not going to cause any problem on security or regular management. However, you can only have remote access session when it is green.

Support team, please contact with Dittoit to check the problem. Ensure his clients are up to date.


@Ilker @dittoit Same confusion here re blue and green, plus updated endpoints showing CCC as connecting. Connectivity problems obviously not resolved this month!!

@dittoit @Ilker please see my post in the ‘private’ group!

So far all my endpoints online have updated and are online. (GREEN)

With the latest CCC?

Yes. All servers and a couple of Pc’s.

My post above may have been a red herring. As the site I was testing with was blocking it at a hardware firewall level.

Hi @dittoit and @nct. Our Development Team had provided an answer about this Forum question. They said that the Blue indicator means device communicates with the portal, but xmpp connection isn’t established. Please let us know if this helps. Thank you.

Nice to know that change… Where was this documented as an update?

Also, anyone else finding ServiceDesk (osTicket) is no longer polling for emails?

We have always had this issue so use the standard osTicket rcron.php to do it, now dev have blocked it’s accessing killing the system.
I have a ton more issues with ServiceDesk too and waiting on a fix or more pref a roll back as a fix will take 30 days!

@StrobeTech ,

Our Development team is working round the clock to have most of the reported issues resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience

So the question then is that the xmpp connection not showing is due to a outdated Agent or is it do to a connectivity issue. Also as per what could potential problems be so that we can change all to green?

Have you checked your hardware firewall is not blocking traffic?

Problem has been resolved by restarting agents. What is nice is that Comodo has now included the “Restart ITSM Agent [Script]” as a system user and can resolve this problem.

Something else that is AWESOME from comodo is that the agent now supports Remote Control for a MAC! Thanks and Congrats!!!

Except they have killed ServiceDesk, and dev have been on this for over 10 hrs and now given up as they cannot fix it.

Are we the only ones with issues where you do not get alerts and clients to get autoresponses or updates…

As this is now day 2 for us we might have to leave platform.

Hi @Damon C

not fixed at all, but I can add more issues / updates to this for you.

  • Cron not working - WORKING [Seems to be working now, was an error with our DB Tables so if this is still for you contact support and point them here.]
  • Rcron access removed
  • File attachments sent out via SD broken
  • Ticket Alerts not coming through - WORKING
  • Auto responders not working - Only work if you enable every option so completely broken as you cannot choose which responses to send out
  • SLA / Due date re-broken after only being fixed for a few months
  • SMTP sending now ignores entered settings
  • PDF Print export missing all data, just shows headings
  • SMTP communication from new Comodo Queue function places invalid BATV attempts into communication

Hi @lscomputersystems

We get similar issues with ServiceDesk about twice a month and support never fix it, so much so we dont bother to report.
We have found though that clearing the browser cache solves the issue for us.