Comodo ONE- IT Operation Platform September Release (09/22/2018)

We are excited to inform you that we are planning to have new releases over Comodo ONE on Saturday (09/22/2018) morning! The release is expected to take 4 hours to deploy, during which time Comodo One will be in maintenance mode.

IT and Security Manager


New Feature

  • Crash dump collection for the security client. New profile option lets you create a dump file and submit telemetry data if the security agent crashes. This allows admins and the Comodo team to better detect and fix problems.
  • ‘Device summary' improvement. 'Local time zone' added to device details for macOS devices, allowing admins to remotely view the local time on the endpoint.
  • Improvements to export functionality:
    • ‘Logged in user’ column added to .csv exports of the device list.
    • 'Free disk space' and 'Used disk space' columns added to .csv exports of the device list.
    • Here is the wiki for this feature.
  • Added ability to export the following list views:
    • Quarantined Files (‘Security Sub-Systems’ > ‘Antivirus’ – ‘Quarantined Files’)
    • User List (‘Users’ > ‘User List’)
  • Architectural changes to fulfill PCI-DSS compliance requirements.
  • Unrecognized file scans. Default scan frequency set to every 4 hours, so the discovery of unknown files is broken down into manageable batches and unknowns that get verdict from Valkyrie are rated more quickly.
  • Here is the wiki for this feature.
ITSM Security

New Features

  • New Security Dashboards. New section added to ‘Security Sub-Systems’ which consolidates events from the containment, antivirus and application control modules. The dashboards also let you change file ratings, restore files from quarantine on the endpoint, and delete files. There are two views:
    • Event View. A list of events from the containment, antivirus and application control components. Each row contains vital information about the event time, severity, action, target device, and the component which generated the event.
    • File View. A list of all files upon which actions were taken by the three components mentioned above. Records are aggregated if a file exists on multiple endpoints. You can expand or collapse the record to examine each endpoint.
  • File rating improvements. Added the ability to rate a file as trusted in the ‘Current Malware List’ (‘Security Sub-systems’ > ‘Antivirus’ > ‘Current Malware List’).
  • Status of actions added to ‘Quarantined Files’ section. Now users can see the outcome of commands sent by the action buttons on this page. Possible statuses are:
    • “Command added to the queue”
    • “Failed (an error code)”
    • “Successfully processed”
  • New security profile for Linux endpoints:
    • ‘Linux - Security level 1 Profile‘ is now available for deployment to Linux devices running Comodo Client Security.
    • As a ‘default’ profile, it will be automatically deployed to newly enrolled devices.
    • You can clone the profile to implement custom settings which suit your requirements.
  • Added ability to install CCS Linux from the device list. Click ‘Devices’ > ‘Device List’ > select a Linux device > Click ‘Install or update packages’ > Click ‘Install Linux packages’.
  • Here is the wiki for this feature.
  • Added Linux antivirus management. The ‘Security Subsystem’ area now lets you manage Linux endpoints as well.
Patch Management

New Feature

  • Uninstall action added to ‘Global Software Inventory’. New button lets you remove an application from every device on which it is found. Uninstalls from here will create an event log as normal.
  • Here is the wiki for this feature.
Remote Tools

New Features

  • Process Inventory. You can now view, filter and search processes running on an endpoint and end processes remotely. No need to interrupt endpoint user or take control of their device.
  • Here is the wiki for this feature.
  • Audit Logs for File Explorer. View detailed activity reports from remote tools sessions. Specifically, which staff members initiated a session, which files they uploaded to their devices, and for how long were they logged on.
  • Customer Notification with admin logs. The new notification dialog box gives end-users greater visibility over remote actions on their device. This includes which files are copied from their device and which processes were ended by the admin. In future releases admins will be able to configure customer notifications in a device profile.
Comodo Client Security



  • Unrecognized file scans on hourly basis. Default scan frequency set to every 4 hours, so the discovery of unknown files is broken down into manageable batches and unknowns that get verdict from Valkyrie are rated more quickly.
  • Windows Boot Area Monitoring. The default action for this feature is set to “Ignore”.
  • Windows Boot Protection Scan. The default action for this feature is set to “Ignore”.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue of containment logs absence on ITSM.
  • Fixed the issue of blocking Windows Updates installation on devices.
  • Fixed incompatibility issues with some 3rd party softwares.
  • Fixed the issue of accessing to network drives of devices.

New Features

We are proud to announce that Comodo Client Security for Linux is now available. You can now deliver the same protection and monitoring services to Linux systems as you do for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

The local UI of CCS for Linux has the following features and areas:

  • Antivirus:
    • Run a Scan: Select or create a new a scan profile. Start an on-demand scan.
    • Scanner Settings: Adjust the settings of each type of scan:
      • Realtime Scans
      • Manual Scans
      • Scheduled Scans
      • Exclusions
      • Configuration options:
        • Set file size limit for scans
        • Set alert duration
        • Configure automatic database updates
        • Configure automatic quarantine options
        • Enable or disable heuristic analysis
        • Choose how many levels of archive files are scanned
  • Scan Profiles - Choose specific folders, drives or areas to scan. The profile can then be used in a scheduled or on-demand scan.
  • Scheduled Scans - Configure recurring scans to run at regular intervals.
  • Update Virus Database - Manually download the latest virus signature database
  • Quarantined Items - Review and manage files which were placed into quarantine by the AV scanner.
  • More settings:
    • Preferences:
      • UI Language
      • Log Settings:
        • Send logs in CEF format to remote instances
        • Keep logs in CEF format on the endpoint itself
        • Set log size limit and policy for log retention
      • Connection: Configure how your agent should connect Comodo servers. If your endpoints are behind a proxy, and you want the agents to use the same proxy, you can configure those connections in this section
      • Updates: Specify a proxy server from which CCS should collect database updates.
    • Configurations - Import/export CCS settings to a profile. This is useful if you want to roll-out a standard configuration to multiple machines.
    • Diagnostics - Checks to make sure that everything is ok with the CCS installation.
    • View Antivirus Events – Lists all antivirus events that occurred on the endpoint

New Feature

  • Cloud Intelligence. Cloud lookups have been seamlessly integrated into antivirus scans. This means all files are checked against the latest whitelist/blacklist hosted on Comodo servers. Your clients are always protected against the latest threats, even if the local virus database is out of date.
  • Performance enhancements. Comprehensive design improvements mean that CCS resource consumption is now lower than ever. Your endpoints will be faster while still benefiting from the robust protection delivered by CCS.
For Service Desk and C1 Portal, please see post #4


New Client Versions:

  • Windows - Comodo Communication Client 6.22.16531.18090
  • Windows - Comodo Security client
  • Linux - Comodo Communication client 6.22.16253.18090
  • Linux - Comodo Security client
  • Android - Comodo Mobile agent

Best Regards,

Comodo ONE Product Management Team

Comodo ONE - Release Notes September 2018.pdf (279 KB)

You guys rock!!! Keep’em coming.

Service Desk

New Features

  • Resolution information is now available for the close ticket event. When closing a ticket, you can now enter resolution information. The resolution will be shown in ticket threads and is available as a filter option. You can define a default resolution for the ticket auto-close feature.
  • Here is the wiki for this feature.
  • ‘Finance’ menu item. New item with two submenus: ‘Cost’ and ‘Contracts’. The existing cost and contract reports have been moved from the reports section to the ‘Cost’ submenu. Contracts have been moved from the staff panel to the new ‘Contracts’ submenu.
  • Here is the wiki for this feature.
  • Contracts are now editable. A much-needed enhancement that lets you fix information in a contract without needing to create a whole new contract. In addition, the new overall prepaid hours feature lets you define prepaid time for all service types.
C1 Portal

New Features

  • Widget additions. Based on useful feedback from our community, Comodo One widgets now show ‘Click Here to Add Your First Device’ and/or ‘Click Here to Create Your First Ticket’.
  • C1 Dashboard and SD ticket counts are now fully synchronized. Service desk updates are now instantaneously reflected on the portal dashboard.
  • Improved the subscription flow for cWatch EDR.
  • Better welcome dialogs more clearly highlight useful features, improvements and help videos.
  • API Validation & Documentation has been improved.
  • Increased performance. Achieved via SQL query optimization & index analysis for user table, subscriptions table and company table.
  • Fixed a link in the Comodo One verification email.

New Client Versions:

  • Windows - Comodo Communication Client 6.22.16531.18090
  • Windows - Comodo Security client
  • Linux - Comodo Communication client 6.22.16253.18090
  • Linux - Comodo Security client
  • Android - Comodo Mobile agent
  • Android - C1 Mobile: 1.16.26
  • iOS - C1 Mobile:
Best Regards,

Comodo ONE Product Management Team

Great list guys, good improvements. But two big things that are needed:-

  1. Firewall logs to ITSM
  2. Moving apps like finance our of SD admin and placing into staff area. Admin area is for configuration only not usable apps/functions. (sticks better to GDPR and Cyber Essentials)

Thank you Robin, Much appreciated as always!

I would say “And two big things…” rather than “but two big things…” :wink: These suggestions are great additions to our scope.

Best regards,