Comodo ONE Performance - July / August

So i started creating this after the latest release, i wanted to run it from release to release but i wont have the time so im posting up what i have to date.

The sheet checked the most common issues that i had with widgets and services not running. Its a simple, success, failed, not tested selection. C1 performance wasnt an issue unless the page failed to load completely, simply being slow isnt enough to justify a ‘failed’ mark.

This is pretty subjective as this is only MY experience but thought that id throw it out there.

Thank you for the chart @Joners .

Rest assured that we strive to work with you to resolve these issues the soonest. Please expect an email from us to get this sorted out as quickly as possible. With our CEO’s commitment to work on stability, we will see “Success” in your chart consistently.

Whilst i appreciate the attention provided by support staff, the frequency of ‘we will email you soon’ responses to issues is far too much. Rather than treating issues as only impacting individual members, could you perhaps investigate and concentrate on fixing the problems on the whole and notifying all users on the forums that specific areas are fixed, and post any information back to users through the forums. I appreciate there are times when you need logs, etc., but you could ask for these to be sent via the forums and therefore provide others who are experiencing the same issue, with the comfort of knowing what is being done and how far through the process you are. Users post here to have the answers placed here.

Hi @curatrix_pl
Thank you for the observations and suggestions. Certain support processes are being worked on by the C1 Support team to provide proper answers to where they should properly go. Certain solutions can be posted here in the forums as they are applicable to many, if not all, users. While other solutions need to be provided through email especially those that require logs for further analysis. These logs contain user-specific info that should not be shared in the public realm. Hence, we, the C1 Support team, will never ask from anyone to submit logs and have them attached to any posts here in the forums. Any concerns or issues raised here in the forums that require logs will be handled through