Comodo ONE September Release - What's New on Comodo ONE Portal(22/09/2018)?

Hello Everyone,
We are excited to inform you that we are planning to have new releases over Comodo ONE on Saturday (09/22/2018) morning! The release is expected to take 4 hours to deploy, during which time Comodo One will be in maintenance mode.

C1 Portal

New Features

  • C1 Dashboard and SD ticket counts are now fully synchronized. Service desk updates are now instantaneously reflected on the portal dashboard.
  • Improved the subscription flow for cWatch EDR.
  • Better welcome dialogs more clearly highlight useful features, improvements and help videos.
  • API Validation & Documentation has been improved.
  • Increased performance. Achieved via SQL query optimization & index analysis for user table, subscriptions table and company table.
  • Fixed a link in the Comodo One verification email.
Bug Fixes
  • 2FA input issue with Firefox 61.0.2 has been resolved.