Comodo soft - are not trusted

Is it possible to make Comodo soft trusted by Comodo ITSM?

Comodo soft alert “spamed” most part of Contained list.

Hello @Sergey

Thank you for your feedback. We will forward this as a feature request.

Hello @Sergey

The C_cmd.exe_ files that are shown as unrecognized, are actually embedded scripts that are running for some reason in your environment. We are capturing them, converting them into scripts and storing them under %programdata%\Comodo\Cis empscript, in case someone wants to analyze them.
The feature that handles this is “Enable embedded code detection” under HIPS > HIPS Settings.
Because these are script files, they are automatically classified as Unrecognized. In case they are run they will be contained.
If you do not want them to show up under Unrecognized, you can disable the "Show non-executable files " option found under applied profile > File Rating section.