Compare Cisco Umbrella $38 (per user) vs CDome Shield (Free - Unlimited users)

Here is the comparison chart!!

Please use your Comodo ONE account to get this. It will give you more management control vs getting the single versions…

Free - Unlimited users

(Signed up with my C1 account…)
“You have an unlimited Dome Shield account for 5 users.”

What am I missing here? For those of us left feeling thick by this process, maybe a walkthrough? Even if I plug that license into ITSM’s Subscriptions, it shows up as “Unknown”…and then what?
And if I follow the link in the “here’s your license” page, I get “Your C One Account Doesn’t Have a Valid Dome Shield License.” and can’t progress further.

that text of “5 users” should have been removed… pls go ahead and use it, just the text no limitation enforced. we will fix it asap.

Can u get cDome Shield from the cOne directly? On marketplace and use Basic Version. It will give 1 month trial but we will extend that.

I don’t know. Where is “Marketplace” in ITSM? I see the App store for mobile apps but nothing else that seems to correspond.

I think you are talking about ITSM App Store. cDome Shield is on cOne Appstore. and particularly