Configuring weekly patches to be reviewed and sent out...

Howdy all, I’m trying to add a patch schedule to a profile found on YT but seems ones old or ones missing parts. So I figured lets goto the begining. I’m new to Itarian and I REALLY like it, cleaner then current RMM. I have staff here who is quite green to say the least, so I have to tech from square one. This is ok cuz I got you all. :slight_smile:

So I send my staff to do an update goto APPLICATIONS accross the top, chose it, PATCH MANAGEEMENT, then OPERATING SYSTEM. APPROVE AUTO is on, I check all I want, this case just the first one, now since thats on here all I need to do on my current RMM tool is install by scheduling the upddate. 3:32am and eyes are shutting lol. Any suggestions:)