connect to business apple


where is manual “how to connect to apple for business”??


Hello @Artur ,

Can we have more information on the request above?


Hello @Artur
Are you perhaps referring to the APN certificate for enrolling iOS devices?

I think it would be worthwhile having a section on the forums for Apple people- we do have some unique (ok weird) requirements

Hello @servicemax ,

That would be a good idea but rest assured that you can always open up a topic “strictly” for apple concerns/requests only and we`ll do our best to assist you on it.


He is referring to Apple VPP

Hello @gscoder, thank you for clarifying @Artur’s query.

Hello @Artur, the ability to add Apple VPP support is till on our roadmap and currently shows on the road-map with the following implementation timeline: Long-Term (more than 12 months). We have added you on the loop to keep you posted regarding on this feature.

Thank you.

please add me too. Thanks

Hello @gscoder, we have also added you on the feature request ticket to keep you updated.

Thank you for your support.

yeah i have wondered the same question