Copy a .zip file and unzip it to program folder and add file to autostart


I have a program called “Desktopinfo”, it’s just a zipfile with a folder “Desktopinfo” with the program in it. I wan’t this to unzip under “C:\Program Files (x86)” and also add “C:\Program Files (x86)\DesktopInfo\DesktopInfo.exe” to startup in the registry (I think that there is one reg for x64 and another one for x86 machines).

Is this possibly?


Hi @Noiden ,

Thank you for contacting us for your script request. We will update you once completed.

Thank you.

Hi @Noiden ,

Please refer the script for unzipping a file to program folder by adding the file to autostart,

Thank you.

Hi @Preethi ,

Can I use an URL as src_path? Because must of our devices are outside our LAN.


Hi @Noiden

We will analyze and update the script as per your request.

Thank you.

Hi @Noiden

Please refer the script for downloading zipfile & unzipping that file to program folder by adding the file to autostart,

Cool… thanks!

Hi @chaithra_R ,

I changed the download URL because I have made an own zip-package with our .ini file we need and I also changed the path, because “C:\desk” seems a bit weird? =) … I can’t get it running.

I changed to this,


I wan’t the script to unpack every files from the zip file, not just the .exe file, I have the .ini file with configuration also.

I also think that the forced restart could be removed from the script.

Well, I don’t get any information in the “Execution log”, is it possible to test the script from ITSM? Or do I have to run it with python locally for testing?


Hi @Noiden

Refer this script for unzipping the file on program folder by adding the file to autostart.The script requires restart option for updating the changes on the endpoint.You can able to run the script from ITSM as System User.…-for-autostart

Thank you

Hi @Preethi

Thank you for this. I know that the autostart needs reboot, but I just don’t want the script to auto restart the endpoint.

This script don’t restart auto?


Hi Preethi

Thank you for this. I know that the autostart needs reboot, but I just don’t want the script to auto restart the endpoint.

This script don’t restart auto?


Hi @Noiden

This script won’t restart.

Thank you