CRC - All Endpoints Offline


Came in Monday to find all my endpoints offline (150), all on separate LANs/firewalls. I have a ticket open, all week. They use email to troubleshoot, so a lot of slow back and forth messages.

Ticket ID: EHS-487-68871
Subject: CRC
Department: C1-Support

What can I do to expedite this? Here are some of my questions:

My log file contains a socket error “The remote host closed the connection”
I have ran TCPview and show an established connection.
Telnet 443 establishes a connection but there is no response (blank screen), is this normal?
Verified firewalls and local AV/security.

What else can I do to troubleshoot?

Does Comodo support have more direct support to resolve this? 4 days down is causing a lot of unexpected costs.


So, we have determined that the failure only occurs from our support center. Problem is, we completely disabled the firewall with no luck.

Could the external IP be blocked somewhere?

We tried multiple PCs in and out, with no luck.

@Bootstrapper ,

We appreciate your effort in doing some steps to narrow down the recurring issue. We will provide you with recommendations via support email on what route we can proceed next to resolve the issue.


Our developers recommended as well to check the issue with your ISP. Sometimes they can also block access on the Firewall level. There are no issues from our side, XMPP servers don’t reject connections from particular networks.

Turned out to be the MSP firewall, that was not configured properly. Great support from COMODO, thanks!

@Bootstrapper ,

We thank you for giving us a response. Should you have any other queries or issues that need to be addressed, please send us an email @ so we can attend to your concern immediately. We will be closing this support ticket in the meantime